Over on the Conversation Agent Blog Valerie Maltoni is discussing A whack on the side of the head
by Roger von Oech.
I remember discovering the book in the late 80s. I loved it. In part because of its ideas but also in part because I liked the texture of the heavy newsprint it was printed on - and I liked the drawings. As you can see I am a superficial person (though you will know that if you have read any the 1100 posts on this blog).
Though I sometimes get tired of talking about creativity (I prefer creating to ivity - borrowing from the Behance mantra) it remains a vital issue in business. Let's face it we are always going to need new solutions - not only for old problems but for new ones as well. Everything we create creates new issues.
Valrie has made a list, in her usual intelligent, considered fashion.
I will higrate and paraphrase - visit with her to get the meat and potatoes. You won't regret it.
I am creative.
I remember discovering the book in the late 80s. I loved it. In part because of its ideas but also in part because I liked the texture of the heavy newsprint it was printed on - and I liked the drawings. As you can see I am a superficial person (though you will know that if you have read any the 1100 posts on this blog).

Valrie has made a list, in her usual intelligent, considered fashion.
I will higrate and paraphrase - visit with her to get the meat and potatoes. You won't regret it.
1. The expectation that you will use creativity at work today has gone from 5% to 35%.
2. Look for the second right answer. Thinking that there is only one right answer precludes you from learning more, and creating something different. ("There is nothing more dangerous than an idea - if it's the only one you have")
5. "Nothing succeeds like mediocrity because everybody understands it so well."
6. Falling in love with ideas begets stagnation. .
7. Randomness may fool us, but it's extremely good for innovation. (break your own habits).
9. You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation [Plato]. That is also true about your self.
11. Ambiguity is part of life. When you learn to thrive in it, you can do wonders.
13. Creativity is a competitive advantage - in any business, at any level, any time.
15. Sacred cows make the best burgers.
19. Turning irritation into inspiration will make you better company. (this I needed to hear - DM).
20. Books are intellectual popcorn with the least amount of calories. (only if you take them literally - DM)
24. Failure is a much better motivator than success. (I tell people I am a successful failure - DM)
25. You are creative.
Repeat after me: you are creative.
I am creative.
I've printed that list and stuck it on the wall, David. My fave is an idea is dangerous. Brilliant.