The 2007 Massey University calendar has begun. I showed up bright and early - to an empty classroom. It helps to read your timetable properly. No harm done, I realised my mistake and made a dramatic entrance to the five fourth year students in my Design Business class. This contrasted with the bulging Advertising class a couple of hours later. It should be an interesting year. Huge emphasis on creativity this year. Less theory. Hope to see some exciting work. My feeling is that an educational context should leave plenty of wriggle room for 'out there' ideas.
Ze Frank appeared on my radar when I saw his presentation among the excellent TED Talks videos . This morning I was reading Russell Davies planning blog in which he referred to a clip by Ze Frank - Where do ideas come from. Here's the transcript: "...Hungry Hippo licks Aunt JEmima [sic] writes, "Are you ever gonna break into song again? Are you running out of ideas?" Hungry Hippo licks Aunt JEmima, that's a good question. I run out of ideas every day! Each day I live in mortal fear that I've used up the last idea that'll ever come to me. If you don't wanna run out of ideas the best thing to do is not to execute them. You can tell yourself that you don't have the time or resources to do 'em right. Then they stay around in your head like brain crack. No matter how bad things get, at least you have those good ideas that you'll get to later. Some people get addicted to that brain crack. And the longer they wait, the more they convince themse...
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