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Getting to know me

I read a little poem the other day - and while most poetry leaves me baffled I rather liked this one.

"Come sit down beside me"
I said to myself.
And although it doesn't make sense,
I held my own hand
As a small sign of trust
And together I sat on the fence.

Michael Leunig - 'Sitting on the Fence'

I return to the idea that: until we know ourselves and our own brand identity in rather more intimate ways than most people and organisations are currently comfortable with, then all we will be left with are projections of archetypes, cliches and rather pointless templates that fall, uncared for on deaf ears.

If you are to be The One & Only then becoming comfortable with who you really, are is a significant challenge with implications throughout the marketing process from pricing to trade relationships?

How can you charge a premium for your brand if your understanding of why it is worth more is faulty.

How can you charge a premium if you do not have an utter and unshakeable belief in the value of the thing you produce?

How can you not command a premium if you have the confidence in your brand and every atom of effort that goes into it?


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