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Be a bad example

This is the start of something big, I can feel it. And what better place to start a new manifesto for brands than feelings?

The One & Only™ is my contribution to branding. It is inspired by iconoclastic individuals and organisations. Some who have succeeded and others who have failed (by conventional measures), but have added something to the story in doing so.

Most marketers cling to conventional wisdom. The problem with convention is that it is a pact that favours the status quo - which, in turn favours the established players.

Well, the bad news for brands is that big brands are declining in value - both financial and perceptual.

Unique, individualistic brands - personal and corporate are on rise. The one and only promotes defying convention and eliminating competition. If your are simply a me too then that's ok. But if you want to explore new horizons you're going to have to take a chance and back yourself.

When you do, if your competitors look at you aghast and say "That's not how to do in this category" - you're on your way.
If you can keep 'em guessing while continuing a private conversation with the people you really care about - you're on your way to eliminating the competition. Go to it - defy convention!

The One & Only site


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