You're sure to have heard the expression youngster, right? Well I have encountered a new term that I feel I may have to adopt. Grownster. Now that my son is hot on my heels in the age stakes - he turned 16 yesterday - I feel that I don't want to be defined by the age of my children. You know - "Oh, you have grown up kids, are you, like, a grandparent yet?" I don't feel 45 at all. Whatever feeling 45 might feel like. Oh, sure I feel erratic heart beats sometimes and monumentally high bloodpressure (you can't feel that), but - by and large - I feel exactly the same way I did when I was 16. I feel differently about things, but physically I feel exactly the same. I don't look the same. I've gone gray, my hairline is receding and I weigh a full 1/3 more than I did back then. My eyesight is failing. Ok…now I'm starting to feel different. Read an article on the Brand Strategy Insider about research done by Tivo, They examined the commercial-viewing habit...
It's like you got yesterday, today and tomorrow, all in the same room. There's no telling what can happen.