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Star Wars & Religion

This clip is a synopsis of the the Star Wars trilogy by someone who hasn't seen it.
In many ways it is like the Christian Bible. The apostles who wrote the stories in the New Testament and whoever wrote the Old testament kind of mash things up to make sense and some sort of meaningful narrative that explains small, imponderable matters like creation and how to live life as a sentient being.

Of course the bible leaves out chunks of important stuff, such as dinosaurs, mainly because its authors (and, like the wikipedia, there were many) didn't have the technology to know the difference between a fossilised dinosaur bone and a spare rib and so they simply didn't 'see' it. Much in the same way that the makers of Star Wars could only conceive of the fantastic worlds in the early movies using the vernacular of the day - models made from commercial kit sets and sets made from polystyrene and fibreglass - much of which was revised in the 'pre-quels' when the new technology of computer generated imagery became readily available.

I guess there is a parallel there with the Scientologists who revise creationist myths based on spacemen (Thetans) being stuck on earth. Hardly surprising when you consider L.Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology was a science fiction writer. 'If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem will look like a nail' (Emerson).

People who believe in creationism or 'intelligent design' are like the girl recounting the Star Wars narrative. They don't get it right but base their thoughts on mad fragments that uphold a general belief.

Unfortunately beliefs are to facts what Star Wars is to science - fiction.


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