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The BrainForest Press

Who said self publishing was going to be easy?

I have spent the day working on the Brain Forest Press page for Vanishing Act. I am really not much of a designer. Quite rudimentary. Even less of a web developer… but what the heck? What else are beautiful summer's days for if not sitting around making web sites. Tragic really. I turned down an invitation to go out and play this evening. Regretted it as a soon as I put the phone down. But I had to figure out why my forms weren't working properly. Sorted.

I thought it would be fun to see what others thought of my choice of music on the Vanishing Act soundtrack. So I have put a survey of some of the songs online. People who complete it and join the mailing list will go into the draw to win one of four copies of the book (hardback).

I am also offering custom editions for a small additional charge. I'll modify the art for the text to put a personal dedication page in the front pages - So you will be able to write a personal note to a friend or colleague. Corporate editions also available - I'll even allow a logo on the back page in full colour. Drop me a line if you're interested. Corporate support for the arts is always welcome. Quite a novel promotional concept (pun intended).

Drop me a note through the comments function if you're interested in learning more.

Order a copy of Vanishing Act


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