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Fuck It - The book.

If you're a sensitive wee soul I ask your forgiveness…

Go make a cup of tea.
Arrange some flowers.

just get the hell out of here!

Ok, I assume we're all adults here.
We should be. It's 11.42. Kids should be tucked up long ago.

John Grant has sent out a heads up to Fuck It. The Ultimate Spiritual Way.

I'm in the mood to like it. A number of my friends have been kvetching about the things that are going wrong in their lives.

When the student is ready, the master will appear.

So, if you've been looking for sympathy from me in the past couple of weeks then I have the book for you.

'… Saying Fuck It feels good. To stop struggling and finally do what you fancy; to ignore what everyone's telling you and go your own way feels just great. In this inspiring and humorous book, John C. Parkin suggests that saying Fuck It doesn t just make us feel good, it is a spiritual act. Indeed, the highest spiritual act. Fuck It is the perfect western expression of the eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realising that things don't matter so much (if at all). But also has the added balls that most of us westerners need to lead us away from our stressed out, uptight, meaning-full lives. Plus, it doesn't require chanting, meditating, wearing sandals or eating beans. So find out how to say Fuck It to all your problems and concerns. Say Fuck It to all the 'shoulds' in your life and finally do what you want (no matter what people think).


It's funny how things just fall into place.
I use the word Kvetch. Check to make sure the spelling is correct. As usual - wikipedia comes to the top of the Google search. On the Wikipedia page there's a reference to the American comedian Soupy Sales. Bells go off. Soupy Sales used to be on a panel comedy show when I was a kid and everything was a blur (My family had black and white TV and bad reception). He was very funny.

Here comes the full circle (via Wikipedia):

.. About those myths, there were all these other things I was supposed to have said, like, "What begins with 'F' and ends with 'UCK' ... a firetruck," or, "I took my wife to the ball game and kissed her on the strikes and she kissed me on the balls," or, "My wife is a great cook, she makes great pies—I eat her cherry and she eats my banana." And people would swear that I said it! Now, you know that in those days you couldn't say nuthin' (like that on television).

I think the sequel to Fuck It should be: 'Get Over It'…


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