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Why Design Matters

Semi Permanent is an event on the creative community's calendar that is not to be missed. This year I am going to give a general admission ticked to a student.

If you are studying design or a design related topic you can enter to win the ticket, which is worth $290.

How to enter
To enter, send me an essay on the topic of 'Why Design Matters'. Just a short essay - no more than 500 words. If you are more comfortable with images and visual communications then make an ad or a poster, as a PDF (up to A3 in size), if physical objects are your thing, make a visual of your concept that makes the point. I will publish entries online.

As far as rights go, entrants will retain all copyrights but by entering grant license to me to use or publish the work in any way to promote the promotion.

The Finalists will be those voted for in comments and then I will pick the winner from the finalists.

Visit the Semi Permanent Website

If you know a student who would appreciate the event…pass this on to them.


  1. Anonymous8:24 pm

    Hey how did this go?

    Why does design matter in the eyes of the students...


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