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The company you keep

For some it's Jane Austen, Bukowski or Kundera. For me it's a kind of random wave of books about business, culture, the arts… pretty much anything.

Here is what I have on the go at the moment:

The Age of Enchantment - Beardsley, Dulac and their Contemporaries 1890-1930

I have a thing about illustration. When I was a kid at high school I made a poster for the annual school production - a play called 'As Long As They're Happy'. I made an image that was a complete rip-off of an Aubrey Beardlsey image - Salome or something. It was a triumph of teenage angst over imitative graphic style. I over-estimated Glenfield College's appetite for Art Nouveau.

Brokeback Mountain

I got this cheap from the Whitcoulls bookstore's trestle table clearance in the local mall. Five bucks for a collection of stories by Annie Proulx is the bargain of the year. She is one of the best writers I have ever encountered. I soaked up Accordion Crimes and The Shipping News. The over-merchandising of the Brokeback Mountan Story (which is all of 35 pages long) smacks of over-merchandising, but that's Hollywood for you.

Luxury Brand Management - A world of Privilege
I am developing a theory about New Zealand's commercial future in the world. That is all I can say at the point.

The Knowledge Entrepreneur
The term entrepreneur makes me cringe, but figuring out how to make money form ideas is core business, need to know stuff. All I'll say, so far is 'I will not judge a book by its cover' - which looks worryingly like Microsoft clip art.

The Natural Advantage of Nations: Business Opportunities, Innovation and Governance in the 21st Century

OK, a little daunting because I know it has an ideological bias. But, not matter how dull, the sustainability thing has to be addressed. So I am holding my nose and taking the plunge.


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